VISG is a visual constructor of graphical user interface (GUI) with ability to generate source program code of GUI for supported platforms (programming language, library, OS).
Features of VISG:
+ It allows to build graphical user interface (GUI) visually.
+ It allows to generate the source code for created GUI for several different platforms.
+ It supports the special description language that any user can add support of its programming language in the program, or change current scripts.
+ It supports plugins. These plugins are text files with very simple syntax. Any user can simply add new controls, menu items, etc.
+ It supports all MS Windows controls and all its styles.
+ At the moment, VISG knows about the following programming languages: C, Pascal (Free Pascal, Delphi), Assembler (masm, tasm, lzasm), Basic (FreeBASIC).
+ At the moment, VISG can use the following libraries: Win32API, Xlib.
+ Just generated source program can be compiled without extra modifications.
+ Convenient interface.
+ Multilingual interface. It can be simply translated to any language.
I played around a little further, with the tabbed form example, devcpp complains:
syntax error before ',' token in CreateWindowEx(0x00000000, "SysTabControl32", "abc", 0x54000040,194, 127, 128, 96, parent, (HMENU), instance, NULL);
also after using on and off all for a few hours, the forms in projects come up minimized and there is no way to restore them to their former size, only maximum. I am using Windows XP.
Answer: Hello.
(1) The tab control has no symbolic identifier (name). VISG inserts the name of control after "(HMENU)". Set the name in the property window. I will fix this later - visg will check names before generating.
(2) I think, you had set special set of window styles. Try "show all windows" button on the tool window. Maybe it can help?
Good program. I pretty new to this, placed the resulting C file in Dev-C project and compile and linked, the linker complained:
[Linker error] undefined reference to `InitCommonControls@0' which I believe refers to: to this line: InitCommonControls()
Any help on this would be most appreciated.
Answer: Hi, Herb. Go to Project/Project Options/Parameters. Then add "libcomctl32.a" into Linker editbox. (or you can use "Add library or Object" button to do this). Now try to build your project again.Go to this comment >>